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What are the applications of AI
in Health and Medicine?

AI brings many opportunities of applications for Health and Medicine. First, it can be used to enhance information systems through the use of Natural Language Processing and integrated networks to optimize the management of medical data in a secure environment.

It brings new tools for public health to optimize education, prevention and follow-up of diseases. The applications are numerous and some of them can be provided on smart devices such as mobile phones. There are also great perspectives of applications to enhance education and training of health professionals, with for examples the use of virtual simulators.

For clinical practice, AI brings new techniques that can be used to facilitate the diagnosis of diseases, through enhanced imaging and/or biological analysis. Other AI-driven applications are oriented toward the development of new tools to better assess the prognosis of patients in order to propose a personalized therapeutic approach to reach “precision medicine”. Finally, smart devices and robots are also being developed to monitor and help in the therapeutic approach. AI has the potential to accelerate medical research, by bringing opportunities to enhance the analysis of large quantity of data to identify new patterns that can lead to unravel mechanisms underlying diseases and discover new therapeutic targets. AI can optimize and facilitate access to scientific knowledge and help communications and interactions between researchers all over the world.

To learn more about fundamentals in AI and potential applications for vascular diseases, the following article is available: